Article I Name and Status of the Link
The International Link of Orthodox Christian Scouts "DESMOS" is an autonomous
body of Scouts of the Orthodox Christian Faith, who belong to National Member
Organisations of the World Organisation of the Scout Movement.
Article II Objectives of the Link
- To develop and promote the spirit of brotherhood and understanding among Scouts of the Orthodox Christian Faith.
- To promote warm relations and co-operation between Scouting and the official local Orthodox Churches.
- To develop an educational curriculum that should enhance the spiritual dimension in the personalities of young Orthodox in accordance with the purpose, principles and method of the Scout Movement.
- To introduce Scouting in such states or areas where Orthodox Church is established.
- To co-ordinate the activities of " DESMOS " with non-Scout Organisations having the same objectives.
- To motivate co-operation among "DESMOS" members.
- To motivate and promote Scouting to Orthodox boys and girls on global basis.
Article III "DESMOS" Conference
- The Orthodox Christian Scout Conference is the highest body of the Link. It consists of the delegations of duly recognised Members of "DESMOS".
- Member of "DESMOS" Status:
- " DESMOS " Members must have the Orthodox Christian Faith and be committed to the purpose, principles and method of Scouting as they are defined in the Constitution of WOSM; they must be willing and able to promote the Link.
- Eligible to become members of "DESMOS" are:
- Orthodox Christian Scout Organisations or Associations that are members of WOSM.
- National Councils or Committees of Orthodox Scouts, or such other bodies which are constituted within WOSM member Organisations or Associations.
- There can only be one delegation per country. Each delegation has one vote. There will be a maximum of five delegates per delegation. Each country decides on the composition and status - (a), or (b) - of its delegation, according to Article III,2.
Only Members who have paid their "DESMOS" membership fee may vote at the Conference.
- Observer Status.
- Scout observers from the World Scout Committee, the World Scout Bureau and its Regions and Regional Committees will be invited ex-officio.
- Observers, as institutions or as individuals, especially from other Orthodox Institutions, youth movements and Scout Organisations, Associations and Bodies in countries that are not yet members of WOSM may also be invited.
- Scout Leaders of other Faiths may be invited as Observers.
- Observers may take the floor upon invitation of the Chairman, but may not vote.
- Loss of Membership Status
- If a "DESMOS" Member loses the basis of its membership the Committee shall suspend the Status of the member concerned pending a final decision by the Conference. However, the Association concerned shall be given a chance to clarify its position.
- In case membership is suspended through a resolution adopted by the Conference, it may not be regained before the next Conference.
Article IV Functions of the Conference
- To frame the general policies of "DESMOS" and to ensure the implementation of its objectives.
- To approve and to amend the Statutes of the Link.
- To recognise, suspend or cancel memberships.
- To elect the members of the Orthodox Christian Scouts Committee of "DESMOS".
- To organise activities for the promotion of understanding and friendship among members.
- To approve the plans, programmes, reports and budget submitted by the Committee.
- To decide the venue and time of the Orthodox Christian Scout Conference and the Christian Orthodox Scout Jamboree.
- To study the proposals submitted by Members.
- To determine the annual subscription and membership fees to be levied upon Members.
Article V Sessions of the Conference
- The Conference convenes once in a period of three years in a country where there is a Member of "DESMOS" at a venue and time to be decided during the previous Conference.
- The Conference forms its quorum through the presence of the majority of "DESMOS" Members.
- Resolutions are valid, when adopted by the majority of Members present. However, amendment of the Statutes of the Link and the recognition, suspension or cancellation of membership of "DESMOS" require a quorum of 60% and approval of two-thirds of Members present.
- Dissolution of the Link requires a vote of two-thirds of the whole membership of "DESMOS" .
- Decisions adopted shall not contradict Orthodox Christian Faith and shall be in conformity with WOSM Constitution.
- At a preliminary session, the Conference shall elect the Chairman, Vice Chairman, rapporteur and assistant rapporteur. The preliminary session is to be chaired by the Chairman of the Committee until the elections take place.
- The Committee may convene an emergency Conference and one third of the Members of the Link may request to convene such Conference. The venue and date will be fixed by the Committee for the emergency Conference. Invitation for such Conference shall be sent by the Secretary General one month prior to the date of the Conference, stating the reason(s) for convening an emergency Conference.
Article VI The International Christian Orthodox Scouts Committee
- The International Orthodox Christian Scouts Committee, consists of eight (8) members, seven of them to be elected by the Conference. The Secretary General of the Link shall be the eight member, but will not have a vote. The Committee is the executive body of DESMOS and is accountable before the Conference. Its main objective is to promote the aims of the Link and to implement the decisions and recommendations adopted by the Conference.
Article VII Functions of the Committee
- To draw plans and prepare programmes for the achievement of the aims of the Link. To prepare the budget and supervise its implementation after its approval by the Conference.
- To establish and promote relations with heads of the Orthodox Christian Church and secure co-operation and support for the benefit of "DESMOS"
- To promote relations with the World Council of Churches, other religions and international bodies
- To prepare the agenda for the Conference, and submit proposals for deliberation at the Conference.
- To prepare reports regarding activities of the Link, its budget and final statement of the accounts for the period from the last Conference to date.
- To issue necessary regulations regarding the activities of the Link and propose amendment(s) in the Statutes.
- To elect its Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Treasurer for a period of three years.
- To appoint the Secretary General and determine his pay compensation, duties, privileges and facilities at his disposal.
- To consider, for proposal to the Conference, applications for membership and grant observer status.
- To establish Technical Committee(s) for the Link.
Article VIII Functions of the Chairman of the Committee
- The Chairman: Represents the Link at all Orthodox Church Authorities at International and national meetings and Orthodox Christian gatherings on behalf of the Committee.
- Calls the Committee in consultation with the Secretary General.
- Chairs the meeting(s) of the Committee, and approves the minutes.
Article IX Election of the Committee
- Filing nomination papers for membership of the Committee starts six months prior to convening the Conference. Candidates for membership are nominated by "DESMOS" members to which they belong. The Secretary General advises the associations about such members whose term of membership shall be expiring and requests the candidature of new members for vacant positions.
- Nominations close two months prior to convening of the Conference. The Secretary General prepares a list of the candidates and sends it to "DESMOS" members at least one month before the Conference.
- The Conference elects the Committee by secret ballot. Those candidates who gain the highest number of votes become members of the committee. Those who get less votes stay available for replacement of outgoing members, according to Article XII(2). The candidates may be elected in their absence.
- In no case shall more than one elected member from any one of "DESMOS" Member serve on the Committee for the same term.
Article X Members of the Committee
- Members of the Committee
- Shall have leading position in their Association or shall be professionally competent in their field for the benefit of the Link.
- Shall have been an active member of the Scout Movement for a minimum of five years.
- Members of the Committee are not intended to represent their own Association during the period of their membership in the Committee, but to look after only the objectives and the aims of the Link as a whole.
- Membership of the Committee shall be for a period of six (6) years. A member of the Committee whose term of membership expires, shall not be re elected to the committee before the expire of three years after the end of his term.
Article XI Transitory Measures
Of the seven candidates elected at the first election, the three candidates with the least votes will stay only for three years on the Committee, so that, at the second Conference, three new candidates may be elected for six years. The third Conference, will elect four candidates, thus changing only a portion of the Committee every three years.
Article XII Termination of Membership of the Committee
- Membership of the Committee is be terminated for any of the following reasons:
- Death or permanent disability.
- A written letter of resignation duly accepted by the Chairman of the Committee.
- Absence without valid motive from three consecutive meetings.
- Becoming a Scout professional outside one's country.
- In case of vacancy in the Committee, the Committee appoints the reserve member who had received next the highest number of votes, for the remaining term. If he/she is unable to accept, the next reserve member shall be chosen.
Article XIII Meetings of the Committee
- On invitation of the Chairman of the Committee in consultation with the Secretary General, the Committee holds its meetings, once a year or whenever it is necessary. A notice for meeting is served at least one month before the scheduled date for such meeting.
- The Chairman and in his absence the Vice-Chairman chairs the meetings. In case both the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman are absent, members present elect a member from amongst themselves to chair the meeting.
- The Committee is in quorum when the majority of its members is present.
- Decisions taken by the Committee are valid if adopted by the majority of members present.
- Experts or heads of Technical Committees and any other person(s), whose presence is deemed necessary by the Committee, may be asked to attend meeting(s) of the Committee as observers.
Article XIV The Secretary General
- The Secretary General is appointed by the Committee for a period of three years or for any period determined by the Committee, and may be re appointed.
- Duties and functions of the Secretary General:
- To appoint his staff and supervise their performance.
- To supervise the implementation of Link's plans and resolutions adopted by the Committee.
- To submit studies and proposals for the development and advancement of the aims of the Link
- To extend technical assistance to member associations.
- To liaise with WOSM bodies, Scholars and Scout Leaders of the Orthodox Faith in order to identify means to strengthen the spiritual dimension of Orthodox Christian Scouts.
- To strengthen relations and cooperate with concerned International Organizations and institutions.
- To issue literature and publications.
- To act as Secretary to the Committee.
Article XV Duties and Functions of the Treasurer
- To supervise the accounts of the Link and control revenue receipts, expenditure and accounts of the Secretariat.
- To approve final accounting and financial reports prepared by the Secretary General.
Article XVI Finances of the Link
- The financial resources of the Link consist of:
- Fees and annual subscriptions paid by Members
- Gifts, donations and grants.
- Revenue from publications and other activities.
- Any other source approved by the Committee.
- "DESMOS" funds are to be spent according to the decision taken by the Committee or the Secretary General authorized by the committee in accordance with the Link's regulations.
- The Link must maintain official registers regarding the transaction of cash, and the Secretary General is responsible for the safety and correctness of financial records under the supervision of the Treasurer.
Article XVII Languages
The official languages of the International Link of Orthodox Christian Scouts are those of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, English and French.
In the event of a conflict arising out of the interpretation of this Statutes, its by-laws or any other official document of the International Link, the English text shall prevail.
Other languages for simultaneous interpretation and better communication can be used during the Conference or other meetings, subject to Committee's decision.
Article XVIII The Statutes
The Statutes take effect from the date these are approved by the First Conference.
Article XIX Dissolution of the Link
In case of dissolution of the Link, its assets will be transferred to the World Scout Foundation, to be used for the benefit and support of Scouts of Orthodox Christian Faith.
Amendment to “DESMOS” statutes, Article V.1:
The Conference convenes once in a period of three years at the same time and venue with the World Scout Conference.
Amendment to “DESMOS” statutes, Article X:
Members of the Committee
4. A representative of the World Scout Committee is a member of the “DESMOS” Executive committee with a voting right.
Amendment to “DESMOS” statutes, Article XII:
Termination of membership of the Committee
2. …In case the number of the remaining reserve members expires, the Committee may co-opt a
member in order to fill a vacancy. I this case, the co-opted member will serve until the end of
the term of the retired member. A co-opted member is eligible for election immediately.
The Conference decides that this Conference will elect three new members to replace those terminating their term in the year 2000.
This election will be valid as from 1st January 2000
The Desmos Conference held in Thessaloniki decided to change the color of the Desmos Emblem.
Instead of gold with black letters, it was decided to have the Emblem colored Navy-Blue with black letters.
- A.
- Proposed Amendment to Article III of the Demos Constitution. Addition of a new Sub-Article III.5:
Honorary Membership Status
The Conference can grant Honorary Status to individuals, members of NSOs or non members of NSOs, who have contributed to the development and rendered exceptional services to DESMOS. Honorary Members may take the floor upon invitation from the Chairman, but may not have voting rights.
- B.
- Renumbering of existing Article III.5 to Article III.6. Inclusion of 3 (three) words next to the title ‘Loss of Membership’:
Loss of Membership and Honorary Status.
- C.
- Addition of a new Sub-Article in Article IV, numbered as Sub-Article IV.10:
To grant Honorary Membership Status to individuals
- D.
- Addition of a new Sub-Article in Article VI, numbered as Sub-Article IV.2:
The Committee has the right to co-opt a maximum of 2 non-voting members.
- E.
- Addition of a new Sub-Article in Article VII, numbered as Sub-Article VII.11:
To co-opt non – voting members to the Committee.
- F.
- Addition of a new paragraph in Article X:
The term of office for the co-opted members to the Committee is for a period of 3 years, in line with the term of office of the DESMOS Committee.
- In Article X, add the paragraph 4, with the following wording:
"The Conference, acting upon a proposal of Desmos committee, may appoint a DESMOS’ Honorary President. The appointed personality should have served as a member of the Scout Movement or the Orthodox Church and can widely contribute to the further progress of DESMOS and to extend Orthodoxy’s global outreach through Scouting."
- In Article IX, add the paragraph 5, with the following wording:
"In case an NSO/NSA cannot be present in the Conference it can be represented by another NSO/NSA by proxy. Every NSO/NSA can be appointed up to two proxies in the Conference."
Founding Members:
ARMENIA: Armenian National Scout Movement "HASK"
CYPRUS: Cyprus Scout Association
HELLAS: Soma Hellinon Proskopon
LEBANON: Federation du Scoutisme Libanais
PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY: Palestinian Boy Scouts & Girl Guides Association
POLAND:Polish Scouting and Guiding Association
ROMANIA: Romanian Scout Association
U.S.A.: Boy Scouts of America
YUGOSLAVIA: Yugoslav Scout Association